Saturday, January 31, 2015

Week 4

This week Brigette and Wargo handed over the schematics to Gardner to begin the PCB layouts. They have began testing the H-Bridge to figure out the extreme conditions required to break components. This week they ran through frequency tests on the PWM and direction signals to assure that all the current components will withstand rigorous switching. Next week Brigette and Wargo plan on continuing testing while developing the formal test document for the H-Bridge.

Although minimal tangible progress was made on Karl's part this past week, he was able to fully install the necessary programs (including python) and libraries to adequately begin developing programs for the beaglebone and minibox. He has been familiarizing himself with the the syntax of python, and has completed the first draft of the odometry code in python.

By the end of this week Tanner and Jason have accomplished installing the back caster wheels, fabricating and mounting main drive axle L-brackets, and mounting intermediate U-channels. They are still waiting on Patrick to finish machining the rest of the intermediate section. Next week, they hope to have battery brackets mounted and all of the drive system complete excluding the chain.

Harris and Gabe have enabled their opencv code in python to register video processing and analysis properties. They have developed a code that uses Hough Transformation lines to determine straight lines within registered images and are currently refining their code to filter the hough transform lines so that they may give us the lines of the side walk edges. Their edge detection code is currently being refined so that it can be used to localize the position of the camera with respect to the initial starting point of the robot. For this they will come up with a filtering algorithm to get rid of unnecessary lines of the hough output. This will enable them to localize the hough outputs. This will be started on Monday.

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