Saturday, February 7, 2015

Week 5

February 7th 2015

By the end of this week Tanner and Jason have successfully installed bearings, aligned sprockets, aligned battery mounts, designed battery strap, glued caster blocks in place, and made cut supports for the bottom of the robot to prevent bending of the base.
Patrick, who is in charge of the machine shop, has finished machining intermediate drive system parts. Next week, this group will hopefully finish putting together the drive system along with having batteries fully mounted in place and will also design and build a heat sink for the motors.

This week Jaya completed integrating the back-stepping control method into an odometry code. Although he managed to get the two control theorems to produce an output, he is currently facing an issue where the robot simulation will follow the trajectory backwards instead of forwards. Next week Jaya plans to have solved this problem and fully completed the controller in MATLAB. A few potential problems that can be foreseen right now are that simply adjusting the gains cannot solve this problem, or that instead of a gain error it is a coding error which is hidden by a small typo or misunderstanding of the material.

The computer vision team, consisting of Gabe and myself, has made enormous amounts of progress but still have many issues to tackle with the OpenCV coding in python. We have applied a simple vertical line-filtering algorithm to a python code that enables the cameras to determine vertical lines in the environment with respect to the video feed that registers. We are currently trying to use a PnP solving method in our code. Applying this algorithm will enable the robot to determine its position and pose based on an initial point in the environment and image feed.

This week Wargo and Brigette continued working on the H-Bridge. They have delayed the PCB production to allow for extra time to fine tune the H-Bridge and make sure that it capable of running at a PWM signal of at least 1kHz. Dr. Isenberg has approved this delay because if the H-Bridge is not fine-tuned the robot will not function even with precise software implementation. Most of the control code is sampling at 50kHz and with a PWM of only 200Hz, as the current design allows, the robot will not be actively responsive to any control software being implemented.
This week the team was able to adjust the original schematic of the H-Bridge and add in diodes to clear out ripple voltages across the MOSFETs. With this new prototype the team will hopefully to be able to increase the PWM signal frequency. Next week Brigette and Wargo will continue testing the H-Bridge at higher PWM frequencies and analyze what the limits of the new design are.

Karl has begun creating various functions in python. First, the odometer function was created and updated, allowing the main program to call it at any point in the running process. Second, some functions such as parameter derivation using the runga-kutta method were also developed in python, for purposes of control simulation. The goal for this upcoming week is to research how to develop plots and animations in python in order to successfully create a simulated robot that will be able to demonstrate the control algorithm being implemented into Tour PNADDER’s system.

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