This week, Trent Wargo has been working on the Linear Power Supply circuit. The circuit is designed to have a 12V input and linearly regulate a 3.3V, 5V and 12V output to be used by other electronics. A prototype has been built and tested. The final step for completion of the Linear Power Supply circuit is to have it implemented as a PCB.
Gabe has spent the last week and spring break putting the final touches on the vision system. He has nearly completed final testing. Thus far the system seems to maintain an accuracy of approximately one inch. Gabe will be completing a test document for the system over the weekend. After that Gabe will be working with Harris to complete the PNP calibration script.
Gabe and Karl have also worked to create a remote desktop between the minibox and an android tablet to create a user interface.
This week, Karl continued his work towards establishing a socket network between the minibus computer and the beaglebone black micro controller. After consulting with a few Dr. Isenberg and Dr. Davis, the bug in the prototype code was resolved and a line of communication was established Friday afternoon. The decoder input program written by Trent Gardner was slightly modified to calculate the decimal value of the decoder output. With both these pieces working, progress towards establishing an odometer and position generator for the robot are making rapid headway.
This week, Jaya finished writing the test document for the controller to be used by the robot. Net week Jaya will convert the controller code from MatLab to Python while Karl works on connecting the minibus to the beaglebone black micro controller. After that is done, Jaya will write the real control program that will be used by the beaglebone black.
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